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Visualization Meets AI: Automated Visualization Design and Evaluation 可视化与人工智能:可视化的自动设计和评估


报告人 王勇 助理教授 单位 新加坡管理大学
时间 2021年11月26日 10:30 地点 L318

报告人:王勇 助理教授


题目:Visualization Meets AI: Automated Visualization Design and Evaluation


时间:2021年11月26日 10:30



Data visualization deals with the visual representation of data and has been applied to facilitates data exploration in various applications. However, existing visualization tools and packages (e.g., Tableau and D3) often require tedious manual specifications and programming. It is still not an easy task to quickly create effective visualization designs, especially for non-expert users. In this talk, I will introduce our recent research on how machine learning techniques can enable automated generation and evaluation of visualizations, such as standard charts, graph visualization and infographics.


王勇博士, 新加坡管理大学计算与信息系统学院助理教授。2018 年于香港科技大学获得计算机博士学位。研究方向为可视分析、信息可视化与机器学习。近期主要的研究课题聚焦于可视化的自动生成与推荐,以及可视分析技术在在线教育、视频数据分析、金融大数据分析等领域的应用研究。目前已发表高水平学术论文30余篇,包括可视分析、人机交互、数据挖掘领域顶级会议和期刊论文 (TVCG, IEEE VIS, CHI, KDD)。曾获可视化国际顶级会议IEEE VIS 2021 最佳论文提名奖、IEEE VIS 2019 最佳海报奖, 2017 年智能用户界面国际会议(ACM IUI)最佳论文奖 , 入选香港科技创新署“创新及科技基金博士专才库”(PH-ITF)。他同时担任TVCGIEEE VISPacificVisEuroVisAAAICHI等多个著名会议和学术期刊的审稿人。详情请见http://yong-wang.org/

Dr. Wang is a tenure-track assistant professor at the School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University. His main research interests include information visualization, visual analytics and HCI. He has published over 30 refereed papers. His research has been awarded Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2021, Best Poster Award at IEEE VIS 2019 and Best Paper Award at ACM IUI 2017.


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