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Event-triggered Consensus for Stochastic Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems


报告人 向峥嵘 教授 单位 南京理工大学
时间 2021年5月9日,上午9:00 地点 资环F411

报告人:向峥嵘 教授


题目:Event-triggered Consensus for Stochastic Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems



摘要:Event-triggered control, which has received increasing attention, is an effective method to reduce thecommunication resources. For stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems, the event-triggered consensus problem is hard to solve and the main difficulty lies in avoiding the Zeno behavior. We have addressed the event-triggered consensus tracking problem for a class of higher-order stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems. Firstly, a new protocol design framework was proposed. Then, a novel adaptive consensus tracking protocol, under which the continuous communication is not required, was developed for the stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems. Using the stochastic theory and Lyapunov functional approach, it was proven that all followers’ outputs can almost surely track a given leader signal within bounded error under the designed control law. The proposed event-triggered scheme’s feasibility was verified by excluding the Zeno behavior. Next, the results were extended to switched stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems. Finally, we give two numerical examples to illustrate the proposed event-triggered control scheme's effectiveness.




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